Founded 1993

Abby’s Paws for a Cause

Date: December 12, 2016 Category: , , , , , , ,

Abby’s Paws for a Cause

Program: The PAWtners Reading Program

The Reading PAWtners Program provides a unique approach to reading and behavior by not only providing the utilization of trained working dogs as a reading partner and youth mentors from PAWtners in Success, but also incorporates “Abby Tales”, a series of theme –based books on a variety of subjects such as family, friendship, role models, school and bullying prevention, disability awareness and more.

The program encourages kids to read over the summer and in out of school time and helps to address behavioral issues that may inhibit some students from focusing on academics.   The program also promotes volunteerism and leadership in high risk youth through PAWtners in Success, a youth peer mentor program, which will train and utilize youth from Glove House programs as Pawtner Program assistants.

Kramer Foundation
Alpine, NY

Contact Information

  Kim Stanton
